Our Premier Optometry Products and Services

At Insight Vision Center Optometry, we want you to achieve better visual health and comfort. With our wide range of high-quality eye care products and services, you’ll surely love the way you see in no time. From comprehensive eye exams to vision therapy, we are ready to help you.

Here is an overview of our premier optometry services:

Primary Eye Care

Appointments are made online, so you can schedule one based on your most convenient time. Our primary eye care includes an exclusive one-on-one consultation with our eye doctors, ensuring your privacy and uninterrupted conversation. This way, we can fully explain your current eye condition and our recommendations, as well as answer all questions you may have.

Eye Disease Management

We perform comprehensive eye exams to help in the early detection of underlying vision problems, such as dry eyes, macular degeneration, and cataracts. The sooner we identify them, the better chances we have of controlling their progression. We also use the latest and painless technology to measure your eye pressure and check for signs of glaucoma.

Optical Services

We have a large selection of eyeglasses, with which we can help you choose a pair that best improves your visual acuity and matches your preference. We also have various contact lenses, with each pair designed to address specific eye care needs. Our scleral lenses, for example, are ideally used for those with keratoconus and other corneal irregularities.


This involves wearing ortho-k contact lenses as you sleep. They are precisely engineered to correct corneal infirmities overnight. Upon waking up, you may remove the lenses and enjoy improved vision without having to use your prescription eyewear for at least a whole day.

Refractive Surgery

We provide LASIK co-management services, which includes pre-operative evaluation to see if you are a good candidate for this procedure. Afterward, we’ll refer you to our partner ophthalmologist who will perform the surgery. We’ll then provide post-operative care to ensure your fast recovery.

Vision Therapy

Vision therapy is helpful for managing vision-related learning disabilities, particularly when prescription eyewear is ineffective at doing so. It aims to develop the coordination between your eyes and brain, training them to correct the underlying problem.

Pilot Vision

Having a 20/20 visual acuity is important when you dream of becoming a pilot. You must also have impeccable color and peripheral vision. We have the necessary skills and knowledge to assess and develop the needed visual skills for safe flying.

For more information about our eye care products and services, call us at (714) 486-3315 or complete our form. We serve Costa Mesa, Newport Beach, and the surrounding CA communities.

Insight Vision Center Optometry

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