Categories: eye care

What Can Make Contacts Hard to Fit?

Sometimes, you’ll have trouble wearing your contacts. You might have also been told that you’re not a good candidate for normal contacts because they’re “hard to fit” for your eyes. This is often because some eye conditions make it difficult to wear them. But that doesn’t mean you can’t wear contact lenses as there are options that may alleviate and correct your eye conditions! 

The Usual Causes

Certain eye conditions can affect contact lens fitting and make them more difficult to wear. Some are expected after doing refractive surgery, such as LASIK, but other common issues include astigmatism and dry eyes, which is a chronic lack of lubrication and moisture that has several causes. These include aging, smoking, computer use and even contact lens usage. 

Dealing With Hard-to-Fit Lenses

Whether you’re aware of your eye condition or you’re not sure why wearing contact lenses has become more challenging, it’s important to have it checked by a professional eye care center. Some of these eye conditions can be relieved with specially made scleral lenses that provide maximum comfort. Our eye doctors also know how to properly manage and even keep your eyes as healthy as they can be!

Depending on the type of eye condition our patients have, we make custom lenses that relieve most of the symptoms. Gas permeable (GP) contact lenses, for instance, are made with an oxygen-permeable material that makes them retain their shape even while they’re being used. These can be made to correct astigmatism and other similar eye conditions. Scleral GP lenses also have a larger diameter and are custom-made to prevent getting dislodged during blinking.

To learn more about how you can get custom-made contacts that provide maximum comfort, set up an appointment at our eye care and vision therapy center! Call Insight Vision Center Optometry today at (714) 486-3315, or fill out our convenient contact form. We serve Costa Mesa, Newport Beach and the neighboring areas.

Insight Vision Center Optometry

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